6 years ago was my last day at Albuquerque Business First! I gave it up to enjoy self employment, pursue more ministry opportunities and work with my husband building his business. Although I was successful as the Audience Development Director and my career path had taken me to a comfortable and great fit where I was using my talents and skills, I could never shake the thought that what I was doing for someone else’s company I should be doing for my own. My entrepreneurial spirit had led me from working for myself years earlier (Elektra Productions) into radio, tv and eventually print sales as it was the closest I could get to working for myself. Yet, I was still so pulled to taking that step of faith trusting that it was God putting the desire in my heart.
Steve and I prayed about it for a year, got completely out of debt (except for our mortgage) and after a 24 year career in sales and marketing (with a few variations), I left a secure paycheck with benefits and a 401k to embark on doing the things I was passionate about, working in Steve’s business PaintSmith and starting Color Smith and Brilliance Life Strategies while expanding my ministry. It’s not always been an easy 6 years. As a matter of fact there have been times that like the children of Israel who when God delivered them from Egypt questioned why -if they were being led by God- they would run into the Red Sea or have to fight enemies to get to the Promised Land. Each time though, God shows Himself faithful and invites me to go further taking the land little by little. He has blown me away by opening opportunities and directing my steps in ways I never imagined. This process and the women I have been coaching and ministering to has led me to write a new book, God’s Way to Success. It’s part book where I share my struggles, victories and how to apply what I’ve learned to your own steps of faith into your calling. It’s part journal where you’ll reflect and go deep with the Lord exploring your spiritual gifts, talents, experiences and desires. Lastly it’s a goal setting workbook and annual planner to keep you on track in pursuing what sets your heart on fire! God’s Way to Success officially releases Friday, September 28 and will be available at the REAL Conference, through Amazon and directly from my website for $19.99. BUT you can pre-order now and get the book for $9.99! Pre-order today!
AuthorBut you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 Archives
January 2020