I don't normally share updates but so many of you now have been through a Bible study with me or heard me talk or even prayed for me so I thought I would catch you up on the significant changes I had this past year.
Before I do share all the good things happening to me I want to add a disclaimer; going into a season of harvest doesn't mean I am more blessed or more loved by God. I feel the need to say that for a couple of reasons: Reason 1: Just today a friend of mine posted on Facebook that someone had sent her a photo and told her how great things were going in their life. My friend posted that while she was happy for them she didn't want to see or hear that when her own life was not in a good place. It only made her feel worse. I could totally relate as I'm sure many of us can. We only see the good stuff on social media and if we aren't careful it can make us question ourselves or God. While I've learned in life that there are usually good and bad things happening in life simultaneously, a season can have an overall theme to it for sure and it may be a dark season of the soul! In my own life over the course of the past seven years, my brother died, I've had financial strain as I've been building my business, which then led to marital strain and for four and a half of those years I was in chronic pain diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's, and Mixed Connective Tissue disease. There were many times I couldn't read or hear about others in social media posts without feeling depressed and discouraged. And although I knew it had nothing to do with God loving them more or God forgetting me, the flesh is vulnerable and the enemy likes to whisper lies in our ear. It is spiritual warfare for sure! Reason 2: Around Christmastime, I read a post about little children who still believe in Santa Clause and a wrong perception they can get when they go back to school and talk about what Santa brought them. The advice to parents was to give small gifts from Santa and make larger gifts as coming from mom and dad. The reason for this was because the children whose parents couldn't afford the big-ticket items question why the other children get bigger things from Santa and then they conclude he loves the other children more since they only get small ticket items from Santa. While I would never compare God to Santa, it made me think about the same scenario happening when people get a new house or a new car (or whatever it is that we want) and say God blessed them with it. Someone not knowledgable about the Bible could misinterpret that and think their lack or struggle means God doesn't love them as much or that He isn't blessing them. But we should know that just isn't true. Just look at the hall of faith in Hebrews 11 and see the big disparity between the groups of God's people- all were blessed yet some had riches and saw miracles and some were literally sawn in two, martyred for their faith. God knows what He is doing. And we know that all things are working together for our good if we love God and are called according to His purposes. I'm all about giving God the glory for all the blessings but I never want someone to feel less than because they are waiting on God to answer their prayers. I want to be one who weeps with those who weep and rejoices with those who rejoice. With that said I do want to update you on a couple of big things that happened to me in 2019!
Happy New Year!
It seems hard to believe that it's been 20 years, TWO DECADES since the new millennium/ Y2K. It was my first year bringing in the new year with my love, Steve. He was a bass player (still is) and his band was playing in Vegas. We had only been together a couple of weeks at that point after meeting when he played a show here in Albuquerque. It was after that trip our relationship began and eventually both of us would be found by Jesus. Taking the time to reminisce is good for relationships. Remembering that first love we had brought back all the feels for me. It's the same in our relationship with Jesus. Good seasons in life can lead us to wander off thinking we "got this" and causing us to become complacent while bad seasons can cause us to wander off wondering where He is. Either way, in our deepest parts we all long for that experience of love with our Lord and Savior. The new year caused me to reminisce about when Steve and I first fell in love and then it led me to reminisce about when I first fell in love with Jesus. Which I needed to do more than I realized. In Revelation 2:4-5 Jesus tells the church in Ephesus, "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first." What a convicting statement Jesus made. But it's also so encouraging. If you've read God's Way to Success you'll remember in each goal we look to the scriptures. And we specifically look to what we need to trust God for and what is in our control so we can plan our action steps. In this verse, Jesus' part is implied. If we've wandered off, His love for us never diminished -only our ability to recognize it or experience it. Happily, He is quite clear with the remedy to revive our love for Him and others:
Imagine how wonderful and exciting 2020 will be if you do those things! 6 years ago was my last day at Albuquerque Business First! I gave it up to enjoy self employment, pursue more ministry opportunities and work with my husband building his business. Although I was successful as the Audience Development Director and my career path had taken me to a comfortable and great fit where I was using my talents and skills, I could never shake the thought that what I was doing for someone else’s company I should be doing for my own. My entrepreneurial spirit had led me from working for myself years earlier (Elektra Productions) into radio, tv and eventually print sales as it was the closest I could get to working for myself. Yet, I was still so pulled to taking that step of faith trusting that it was God putting the desire in my heart.
Steve and I prayed about it for a year, got completely out of debt (except for our mortgage) and after a 24 year career in sales and marketing (with a few variations), I left a secure paycheck with benefits and a 401k to embark on doing the things I was passionate about, working in Steve’s business PaintSmith and starting Color Smith and Brilliance Life Strategies while expanding my ministry. It’s not always been an easy 6 years. As a matter of fact there have been times that like the children of Israel who when God delivered them from Egypt questioned why -if they were being led by God- they would run into the Red Sea or have to fight enemies to get to the Promised Land. Each time though, God shows Himself faithful and invites me to go further taking the land little by little. He has blown me away by opening opportunities and directing my steps in ways I never imagined. This process and the women I have been coaching and ministering to has led me to write a new book, God’s Way to Success. It’s part book where I share my struggles, victories and how to apply what I’ve learned to your own steps of faith into your calling. It’s part journal where you’ll reflect and go deep with the Lord exploring your spiritual gifts, talents, experiences and desires. Lastly it’s a goal setting workbook and annual planner to keep you on track in pursuing what sets your heart on fire! God’s Way to Success officially releases Friday, September 28 and will be available at the REAL Conference, through Amazon and directly from my website for $19.99. BUT you can pre-order now and get the book for $9.99! Pre-order today! Hello, 2018! It’s that time of year where we all become more aware of a fresh start, a clean slate and all the exciting possibilities that a new year holds. The good news is your goals or resolutions don’t have to end up like 80% of people who quit by mid-January because more than the old cliché, you truly are a new you! The bible tells us that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation, old things have passed away and all things become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Amazingly, the same Spirit who rose Christ from the dead now lives in you. (Romans 8:11) Talk about power! This is real transformation, a whole new you. You, my friend don’t ever have to wait for a new year, as new month or a Monday to respond to the work and plans of God. His tender mercies are new every day. Just remember you will need to take the new territory bit by bit, so don’t get discouraged and don’t give up. He has already given you the victory. The desire in you to accomplish God- sized, life changing goals is because He has prepared good works for you to walk in. (Ephesians 2:10) And with that, opportunities to use your spiritual gifts, talents, experiences and your sphere of influence to accomplish those works while remaining dependent on Him. Here are some truths to keep you focused and intentional this year:
I encourage you to take some time this weekend to seek the Lord diligently for His will and plan for this day, week, month, quarter and year. God sized callings, goals and dreams take the power of God to accomplish so taking some time to reflect and seek the Lord is crucial. Here are some questions to focus on:
"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him." Philippians 2:13 Do you need someone to come alongside you as you step-by-step set godly goals, work through limiting beliefs and make a plan? Watch for my new workbook and planner, God's Way to Success coming in January 2018! Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know when it's released! Welcome to part 2 of Free to Be You. (To go to Part 1, click here)
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10 Compartmentalization, Perfectionism and Procrastination Compartmentalization Compartmentalization means we divide all things that pertain to our life by what we believe is sacred vs secular. In my case I spend my time doing organized ministry by serving in the body of Christ, and biblically coaching and teaching women. In the secular realm, I work in my husband's paint business, have my own architectural color consulting business, where I choose colors for homes and offices, decorate and rearrange furniture. I also have a separate business that focuses on life coaching for everyone that often includes color psychology for their environment and fitness, teaching spin and barre classes. The question is, is one more effective for blessing others and glorifying God? I would say no. All our work should be considered sacred. Of course we want everyone to come to know and love Jesus but so many of the people whose lives I touch would never come to me for biblical coaching or even be interested in hearing about Jesus. Do we trust the power of the Holy Spirit living in us when we just love and serve others to shine the light of Christ? Do we not realize that God divinely orchestrates for us to go places and meet people that otherwise we would not have had a chance to? People that we can then go home and intercede before the throne of God for? Should you choose a profession based on whether you categorize it sacred or secular? Think about doctors. Whether they are believers or not, God is obviously using them to bless others and ultimately glorify Him. We certainly wouldn't want talented, insightful medical professionals to deny those gifts and become full-time vocational ministers thinking one is sacred and one is purely secular. It is so clear in that case that what they are doing is what God called them to do. So how about you? Are you compartmentalizing and denying that you can do what you are called to do, use the gifts, talents, skills, opportunities and spheres of influence that ultimately came through the hand of God to bless others and bring Him praise and glory? I want to be fully me, fully engaged and heartily doing even the most seemingly menial task with great care not deeming one as sacred or another as secular. No matter what the job, God lives in us and He is the author of productivity, creativity and excellent work ethic and He guides our paths with a perfectly orchestrated plan. In my personal life when I first really started living biblically I didn't understand the concept of compartmentalization and I really compartmentalized aspects of my life, especially in areas I deemed as vain. For instance, I got rid of not just my immodest clothes, but also my cute clothes! That was unnecessary (the cute ones), but I was so grateful for God cleaning me up and giving me a new life that I wanted to repent of anything I thought could possibly be worldly. But as I grew in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus I began to understand I was free to be me and appreciate pretty things and be stylish. What liberty that was! So how do we conquer compartmentalization?
Perfectionism and Procrastination Ecclesiastes says "If you wait for perfect condition you'll never get anything done." Isn't that the truth. Have you noticed perfect conditions never fully arrive? And if you are waiting to be perfect, well forget that, since you won't be perfect until you see Him face to face. It'll be too late then. The good news is Jesus came as a man and was perfect in our place. So we are free to be us, resting in His perfection. I have been saying for YEARS that I am going to make videos, audio, and online coaching materials for those struggling with drugs and alcohol who, like me when I was a drug addict, would never set foot in a church. I KNOW this is what I am called to do in this season. So I announced it publically in June 2016 when I gave this very same talk at Faith@Work. I finally began work on it 2 months ago. You see, I was procrastinating, waiting for perfect conditions, waiting until I felt more prepared because being a perfectionist I didn't want to say the wrong thing, or come across in the wrong way. After all, the book of James tells us teachers will be judged more strictly. Then I had so many ideas that it led to paralysis by analysis. By the grace of God I am happy to report I am shooting for launching my program this July! And in hindsight I can tell you that it was not wasted time. I have to learn again and again that the "how" and the "when" and the clarity are God's. He gave me the what and the why way in advance of the how and when. What I did do in the time in between was pray, share my vision with others, had prayer warriors pray and began to do the next thing in front of me. How do we conquer perfectionism and procrastination?
Remember Gods work is always a transformation from the inside out- so how you think will impact how you feel, and subsequently the actions you take. Think on these things:
You have a unique sphere of influence and a mission so exciting and custom fit for you. You are already a victor, so move from fear to faith to freedom and be free to be you! Do you need someone to come alongside you as you step-by-step set godly goals, work through limiting beliefs and make a plan? Watch for my new workbook and planner, Success God's Way coming in January 2018! Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know when it's released! Do you need someone to come alongside you as you step-by-step set godly goals, work through limiting beliefs and make a plan? Watch for my new workbook and planner, Success God's Way coming in January 2018! Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know when it's released! Welcome to part 1 of an 2 part series, Free to Be You. Imposter Syndrome and Complacency "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10 John 10:10 tells us clearly that Satan's mission statement is to steal, kill and destroy. Thankfully, in that same verse Jesus tells us that He came to give us life more abundantly. Part of that abundant life is us passionately pursuing His purpose and calling for our lives and as you've probably experienced, Satan doesn't just sit back and watch, but through our flesh tries to deter and discourage us. Here are some of the ways I've seen it manifest in my own life. Imposter Syndrome Have you ever felt like you just don't belong in a certain circle, an occupation, or a group of people? Like they have made a mistake and sooner or later they will discover who you really are and reject you? I have. From a public speaking mishap to embarking on a new career in my forties, there have been plenty of times I've felt like an imposter even while I knew I was in God's perfect will for my life. Wikipedia describes imposter syndrome like this, "high-achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud". Despite external evidence of their competence, those exhibiting the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Some studies suggest that impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women. " We could also say it involves not knowing or believing our new identity in Christ. Do you know when I feel that way the most? When I take my eyes off of God and others and focus on myself and my flaws. So the best way I've found to conquer imposter syndrome is to be present in the moment focusing on who I am serving and how I can bless them. How can we conquer imposter syndrome?
God has given us our gifts, talents, desires and opportunities so focus on glorifying Him and blessing others. Complacency It's easy to be complacent. You don't even see the outcome of it until something wakes you up to it. Relationships, careers, health, all can be stagnant and remain healthy for a time but eventually you'll find yourself in a rut, settling for mediocrity which is unhealthy. Going out of your comfort zone is the way to conquer complacency. Quitting a job where I made good money and knew exactly what I was doing to go to work for my husband and to start my own business was out of my comfort zone. Sharing my testimony of past drug addiction with people who may not understand and may judge me was outside of my comfort zone. Doing Facebook livestreams are always outside of my comfort zone. I'm not gonna lie, it's uncomfortable, definitely not easy and sometimes I daydream about just settling for comfort! But I embrace the growth that comes and the dependence it creates for me to lean hard into Jesus in order to be fully alive and pursuing God and His calling for me. How can we conquer complacency, go out of our comfort zones and please God with our faith?
"God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 "Without faith it is impossible to please Him…" Hebrews 11:6 Remember Gods work is always a transformation from the inside out- so how you think will impact how you feel, and subsequently the actions you take. Think on these things:
You have a unique sphere of influence and a mission so exciting and custom fit for you. You are already a victor, so move from fear to faith to freedom and be free to be you! Continued in Part 2 with Compartmentalization, Perfectionism and Procrastination It was a rare day that my brother, Rocco spoke to me about God. As a matter of fact after the Lord cleaned me up and I was full of zeal (but not much tact) he respectfully requested I stop talking to him about Jesus or he wouldn't hang around me. So I had obliged knowing the power was in prayer and believing the Lord was working on him. On occasion, mostly when he and I had time alone, he would bring up observations of how different I was now. He would do the same with my mom asking her about her conversion from religion to a Spirit-filled, bible reading, lover and follower of Jesus Christ. In 2012, I had a dream of my brother and a friend of mine, a godly prayer warrior and pastors wife. In my dream she whispered something in his ear and he dropped to his knees in tears of repentance. It was actually a very scary dream and emotional as I honestly can't remember ever seeing my brother cry, not even so much as a child. Even though he was so kind and caring, his main role from the time we were little was one of protector in my life so he never showed tears. I shared this dream the next time I saw my friend. She immediately volunteered to pray and fast with me once a week and then she shared Job 33: 14-18, 23-26 with me. 14 For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. 15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds. 16 He whispers in their ears and terrifies them with warnings. 17 He makes them turn from doing wrong; he keeps them from pride. 18 He protects them from the grave, from crossing over the river of death. 23 “But if an angel from heaven appears-- a special messenger to intercede for a person and declare that he is upright-- 24 he will be gracious and say, ‘Rescue him from the grave, for I have found a ransom for his life.’ 25 Then his body will become as healthy as a child’s, firm and youthful again. 26 When he prays to God, he will be accepted. And God will receive him with joy and restore him to good standing. So with that encouragement and all the promises of prayer and power of fasting, by faith we began praying and fasting every Monday for my brother. And God would begin to show me great and mighty things although things would get worse, much worse. In May of 2013, Rocco did bring up God. I was at his automotive shop with him that day visiting. (If you are familiar with Cedar Crest, my dad and brother owned Pro Automotive on North 14 next to Burger Boy.) Not only was he going through his regular chronic pain from ankylosing spondylitis and his back that had been broken in two places years before, but he was also dealing with some court issues from back gross receipts taxes. Always the responsible man, he continued to do hard physical work at his shop every day and provide for his family. That day he said something so profound to me, something that showed me deeper into his thought process and his heart. I am sure many amazing things happened from Gods perspective that day but two things stand out that were beautiful to me. One, he allowed me to take a picture of him (shown above with his dog, Shadow) which he never did and two he said to me that he believed God was punishing him just as he had punished Job. Job! Although it was a heavy moment, I cannot tell you how thrilled I was that he brought up God to me and of all books, the book of Job! What a battle must have been brewing in the spiritual realm as he openly spoke and I was given the permission to share truth with him in an area that he was clearly believing a lie. Jesus said the truth will set you free, so it only makes sense that a lie will keep us in bondage. And in bondage he was. But clearly God wanted him set free in this area. Job was not being punished by God and neither was my brother. That day I was able to speak openly and share with him the story of Job and the part that Satan played. I also got to share with Him that the wrath of God was poured out on Jesus so we didn't have to face that if we put our trust in Jesus. We left it at that. Inside I was jumping for joy that in a normal conversation I had been able to share the gospel with him. I prayed fervently that God would use His word and all the prayers to bring light, repentance and salvation. Then August 13, 2013 tragedy struck. My brother wanting his teenage son to be safe on his motorcycle that first week of the new school year rode his own motorcycle alongside him. On his return ride home my brother was hit by a car and sustained numerous broken bones and internal bleeding. Witnesses say that he immediately picked himself up off the ground and started to pick up his motorcycle not aware of his injuries. That was my Rocco. My mom and I spent the day at the hospital rotating with his son and wife in his room. Once his wife left for the evening to go home, I went to the hospital to spend the night. With all his broken bones, he was heavily medicated and nodding in and out. At one point as I sat next to his bed in his dimly lit room with my head bowed in prayer he looked over at me and asked what I was doing, I froze knowing I ran the risk of making him mad by telling him. But I was honest and told him I was praying, he simply nodded and said "ok". Tears still well up in my eyes as I remember his face that night. That night I was able to quote scripture over him encouraging him and he allowed me to. The next day in my prayer room as I cried out to God both praising him for keeping my brother alive but heartbroken that things had just gotten much worse than they were, I went to youtube to find a worship song and found that one of my favorite ministries had just uploaded a new song the day of my brothers accident. I have found in seasons of grief and sorrow that music and scripture can articulate deepness better than my own words. It would become in my life the soundtrack for the next couple of years as I watched my brother suffer and my mom and I endured our own suffering. The song is based on the suffering of Job and a short sermon excerpt from John Piper that to this day still gives me chills and causes me to feel great sorrow and great praise to God simultaneously. "And I'll know that every tear was worth it all." I hope you'll listen to the entire song and be moved, but at the least, tune in at 3:25 to hear John Piper. What would transpire for the next two years was equally painful and heart wrenching, but beginning the day of the accident my mom and I committed to daily prayer together for my brother. My once a week fasting and prayer with my friend continued- but now my mom and on would get on the phone every day and intercede at the throne of God for my brothers salvation and healing. (To this day we have continued that practice and have seen so many prayers answered!)
I wish I could tell you that it ended with my brother lifting holy hands to God here in the land of the living, but I can't. Unexpectedly, Rocco Robert Schultheis would pass into eternity July 2, 2015 due to a prescription drug overdose from his pain killers. Although we didn't get to see it here with our eyes, I do believe that our prayers were answered and that Jesus, his Intercessor, brought Rocco healing and salvation and eternal joy and peace bringing Job 33:24-26 to pass. "He will be gracious and say, ‘Rescue him from the grave, for I have found a ransom for his life.’ (Jesus). Then his body will become as healthy as a child’s, firm and youthful again. When he prays to God, he will be accepted. And God will receive him with joy and restore him to good standing." Stay tuned for more blogs on my brother, the prodigal. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, yet our inner self is being renewed day by day. For our light and temporary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that far outweighs our troubles. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.… 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 The R.E.A.L. Conference Don’t you wish hard problems would skip over Christians? Sadly, we face the same trials and struggles non-Christians do. But instead of trying to create a world without pain, learn how to face problems with strength and dignity and walk free from condemnation. Don't pretend them away, mask them, hide them or ignore them, but face your problems head-on with Christ. The only way OUT is THROUGH and the only way THROUGH is JESUS. (Isaiah 61:1-3) At this conference REAL speakers, who have experienced God’s redemption and restoration, will present REAL problems and their solutions. I am thrilled to be part of this powerful conference. I will be offering two workshops on topics near and dear to my heart. I hope you will join me and I am confident that God Himself will meet with you and bring you freedom and love and healing. Just As You Are Have the ideas of a performance-driven world seeped into your relationship with God? Do you try to please God and earn His approval by your performance? Do you consider some days a success and some a failure? Get off the roller coaster of working harder—rest in the finished work of the cross. In Just As You Are, we will explore God's grace - His generous riches, unmerited favor and unconditional love. These gifts don't stop at salvation but empower us for victory in the Christian walk. Whether you feel discouraged and weak from a besetting sin, a weight that hinders you, or weary in waiting on God, His Grace is your answer. We will look to Scripture to understand and apply the role of Grace in:
Victory Over Strongholds
Do you struggle with an addiction or have been told you have an addictive personality? Have you tried countless times to stop but haven’t found lasting victory? Do you long to find true joy, peace and freedom? Jesus wants His children to be free, satisfied, living abundantly in the purpose they were created for. Yet many of us still live trapped in strongholds, not fully experiencing what is rightfully ours. Whether you have struggled with drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, pornography, shopping or any other controlling, destructive habit, this workshop is for you. Freedom is not found in a program, behavior modification or even your own will power—real freedom comes from what Christ has already done for us. The Bible says we have God’s power to conquer the “sin that so easily entangles us.” In this workshop we will focus on:
Through JESUS you already have the victory. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36) Have you seen the AT&T commercial where the cute little girl makes us laugh with her line about how “if you like it, you want more”? That was totally me. Actually, I think we all “want more.” People are born to be passionate worshipers, but what we worship makes all the difference. For years, I lived as a prodigal—passionately seeking the wrong things, having experiences that only temporarily satisfied me. But I always wanted more. In trying to fill the void, I went from being a recreational drug and alcohol user (for 13 years) to a daily user of methamphetamine (for another 6 years).
“For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me--the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!” Jeremiah 2:13 For the last 4 years of my drug addiction, I regularly cried out for the Lord to deliver me. While it was a process, the Lord did not waste one iota of that time. As promised in Romans 8:28, He worked all things together for my good. I grew in the grace and knowledge of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and during that time He changed me from the inside out and brought deep healing. Here are some of the radical truths that helped me:
13 years later one thing hasn’t changed: I still want more. But by His grace, I just want more of God. How about you? What miraculous transformation could God do in your life in the next 40 days? If you are ready to surrender and walk in victory let me walk through this with you, giving you daily support and encouragement, weekly group and one-on-one coaching, and show you through the Word of God, the shortcut to freedom, joy and peace. For more info on The Way Out book and supplemental resources click here. |
AuthorBut you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 Archives
January 2020